共 4 条近义词
当仁不让当:面对。仁:正义之事。《论语卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后以“当仁不让”表示应做之事就应积极主动去做不能推托。例夫人臣依义显君竭忠彰主,行之美也,当仁不让。——《后汉书曹褒传》英not decline to shoulder a responsibility; in good cause do not lag[查看详情]
设身处地假使自己处在别人的地位或境遇。指替别人的处境着想。英put oneself in somebody else's position; be considerate; be considerate to judge others as we should if we were in their places;[查看详情]
推己及人用自己的心思来推想别人的心思;替别人所处的境地设想。英treat other people as you would yourself; do as you would be done by others; be considerate as to put oneself in the place of another;[查看详情]