共 6 条近义词
短小精悍身材短小而精明强干。例短小精悍姿屹然强寇敌。——唐杜甫《赠王思礼》英not of imposing stature but strong and capable;后形容文章、言论等简短有力。例《你我》原想写一篇短小精悍的东西。——朱自清《你我》自序。英short and pithy; terse and forceful;队伍人[查看详情]
删繁就简删去繁杂的使文字简明。英simplify sth. by cutting out the superfluous; simplify the complicated material; reduce to bare essentials;[查看详情]
要言不烦要:简要。烦:烦琐。指说话简明扼要。英give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix;[查看详情]
三言两语用几句话。例这事不是三言两语能说清楚的。英in a few words;简短地说。例她总是围着围裙走来走去三言两语地跟每一个人交谈。英short;[查看详情]
言简意赅语言虽精练简洁但已概括要义。英words are few,but they contain profound truth; be precise and to the point;[查看详情]