共 6 条近义词
食不甘味吃东西不知滋味形容有心事烦忧不安或指身体不适。例寡人卧不安席食不甘味。——《战国策楚策》英have no appetite for food; eat without relish;[查看详情]
饥不择食由于饥饿顾不上挑选食物。比喻情况紧急时顾不上考虑选择。英relish plain food; All food is delicious to the starving. Beggars can't be choosers.(谚) Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.(谚) The hungry cannot be fastidious about food.;[查看详情]
大吃大喝狼吞虎咽地吃。例已经结束了在餐厅的大吃大喝。英stuff; swallow greedily;指没有节制没有计划地吃喝。例他上馆子下酒铺,从不敢大吃大喝大手大脚,颇为紧吃慢用细水长流。——古华《芙蓉镇》英indulge in extravagant eating and drinking;指进行大规模、高档次的吃[查看详情]
风卷残云大风卷走了残云。比喻一扫而光。例叫一声“请!”一齐举箸,却如风卷残云一般早去了一半。——《儒林外史》英a strong wind scattering the last clouds—make a clean sweep of sth.; like a whirlwind sweeping away wisps of clouds; make clean sweep of all opp[查看详情]