共 10 条近义词
杞人忧天《列子天瑞》:“杞国有人忧天地崩坠身亡所寄,废寝食者”。传说杞国有个人怕天塌下来愁得寝食不安。英like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall;比喻不必要的忧虑。英with unwarranted anxiety;[查看详情]
天怒人怨极言统治者的暴虐无道使所有的人愤怒、怨恨。英wrath of God and resentment of men; widespread indighation and discontent among the people;[查看详情]
满腹牢骚牢骚太甚埋怨情绪十足。形容失意或不顺心。例先是满腹牢骚如今也就渐渐的平和下来。英be full of grievance; be querulous;[查看详情]
啧有烦言指很多人议论纷纷;表示不满。英there are a lot of complaints;[查看详情]
民怨沸腾人民的怨声愤懑情绪凶涌鼎沸。例上半年在那里办过几个月厘局不该要钱的心太狠了直弄得民怨沸腾,有无数商人来省上控。——《官场现形记》英the people are boiling with resentment; seething popular discontent; poupular grievances run high; public anger is se[查看详情]
怨声载道形容普遍地表示不满或怨恨。例民间怨声载道天变迭兴。——《京本通俗小说》英cries of discontent rise all round;[查看详情]
怨天怨地抱怨天埋怨地,对不满意的事归咎于各种客观情况。英murmur against heaven and earth;[查看详情]
自怨自艾原指悔恨自己的过失而改正错误现只指自己悔恨。例他自知悔过,自怨自艾。英repent and redress one’s errors; be full of remorse;[查看详情]