
共 3 条近义词

  • 道听途说

    dào tīng tú shuō

    道听途说路上听来的消息。指没有根据的传闻。例小说家者流盖出于稗官街谈巷语,道听途说者之所造也。——《汉书艺文志》英hearsay; what is spoken and heard in the street; pick up what has been heard on the way;[查看详情]

  • 众口铄金

    zhòng kǒu shuò jīn

    众口铄金铄金:熔化金属。众口一词足能熔化金属。比喻谣言多可以混淆是非。英public clamour can confound right and wrong;[查看详情]

  • 无中生有

    wú zhōng shēng yǒu

    无中生有道家认为自然界的物质来自视而不见的空间;把本来不存在的事说成确有其事。英make sth.out of nothing; be purely fabricated;[查看详情]