
共 3 条词语

  • 面不改色

    miàn bù găi sè

    面不改色遇事从容镇静,毫无惧色。英do not change color; keep one's face bravely; preserve appearance;[查看详情]

  • 不露声色

    bù lù shēng sè

    不露声色不让心里的打算从话音和脸色上流露出来。例但他另有主张在汉奸面前先不露声色暗中观察观察再说。英show one's feelings neither in voices nor in facial expressions; not betray one's feeling or intentions;[查看详情]

  • 奔走相告

    bēn zǒu xiāng gào

    奔走相告奔跑着彼此相告。英lose no time in telling each other; pass the news from mouth to mouth; speed the news from one to another;[查看详情]