共 11 条词语
马不停蹄奔波忙碌不得休息。比喻时刻不停顿地前进。英continuous; hurried journey without a stop;[查看详情]
无所畏惧大胆;毫不惧怕地面对险情和难题迎着困难上。例胆小一些的人可能会犹豫而他完全是无所畏惧的。英fearless; daring; dauntless; bold;[查看详情]
当机立断抓住时机果断地作出决定。例说干就干只要我当机立断就行了。——程树榛《大学时代》英decide on the spot; decide promptly and opportunely;[查看详情]
迎头赶上追上跑在最前面的人并且超过他。比喻有进取心敢为人先。例这样所谓迎头赶上和勿向后跟都是不但见于经典而且证诸实验的真理了。——鲁迅《迎头经》英try hard to catch up;[查看详情]
自告奋勇自愿请求担任某种艰巨的工作。英offer to undertake; come forward of one’s own accord; volunteer to do sth.;[查看详情]
奋起直追振作精神努力追赶。英do all one can to catch up;[查看详情]
勇往直前毫无畏惧地一直向前。例从俱摩拳擦掌个个勇往直前。——《封神演义》英strike bravely forward; go ahead boldly; advance courageously;[查看详情]
争先恐后争着往前唯恐落后。例大家争先恐后地往车上挤。英rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;[查看详情]
挺身而出遇险临危奋身勇出,负起重任。英step forward boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; fling oneself into the breach;[查看详情]
力争上游尽力争取先进。例动员大家力争上游完成计划。英endeavor to gain the upper hand; strive for the best; aim high;[查看详情]