
共 2 条词语

  • 按图索骥

    àn tú suǒ jì

    按图索骥骥:好马、千里马;索:寻找。原指按照伯乐的《相马经》去寻求好马。英look for a noble steed with the aidof its picture; look for sth.according to information at one's disposal; look for sth.by a plan chart;引申为依照既得的线索去寻找目的物。讽喻拘泥成[查看详情]

  • 来龙去脉

    lái lóng qù mài

    来龙去脉原是过去风水先生的说法认为山势如龙从头到尾都有血脉连贯。现在常用来比喻事物的来历或事情的前因后果。例文件的来龙去脉。英pedigree; origin and course of development; cause and effect; ins and outs; sequence of actions; ways and wherefores; whence and[查看详情]